Putting The Breaking Back In News

June 29th, 2005 · No Comments
by Booksquare

We admit it: we delighted in the mental image of the Paris literary scene being shaken to the core. Absent live video, we were left to make do with a monolithic scene of Jacques-Louis David clarity, one where all members of said literary scene were conveniently located in the same cafe. The flaw with this image came in our inability to replace glasses of wine with outrage.

What has France in distress? Oh, just a little statement of the obvious:

In its 2004 report, the SCPA, part of the justice ministry, said it was “difficult to distinguish between jury members, who are generally the authors of literary works, and the houses which publish their books. There is a risk that fair competition rules may be being broken.”

Really, there’s nothing more to say. Except to note that if this is a revelation, then the truth about Santa Claus is going to cause some serious heartbreak.

File Under: Square Pegs