This Really Cute Guy Just Moved Next Door

June 28th, 2005 · No Comments
by Booksquare

So there we were, swinging in the hammock, watching the hummingbirds chase each other (they really do have a lot of excess energy). Suddenly, the sound of a moving van interrupted our half-sleep. What? A new neighbor? And here things had been so quiet. What’s with the excitement on our block?

On one side, we have the extremely provocative The Happy Booker, on the other side is the very enticing Dan Wickett. What’s a blog to do? Well, we’re going to throw a three-day weekend. To celebrate Dan’s assumption of multiple daily posts and contributions to the Bloghood Improvement Project, we hereby give everyone next Monday off! And you can leave early on Friday, too.

Yes, it’s true. For those of you who aren’t privileged to receive the EWN’s regular emails, there’s now an RSS feed. And other good stuff. Drop by and leave a blogwarming gift.

File Under: Books/Mags/Blogs