Trends That Must Stop

August 30th, 2004 · No Comments
by Booksquare

We cannot be any more plain: the fashion of taking historical figures and making them into gumshoes must end. It was cute and clever for about five minutes. Now it’s an eye roller. And not in a happy, good way. We cannot believe Aristotle dusting for fingerprints. We are skeptical that Elvis Presley possessed the requisite attention span. And, please, tell us Beatrix Potter is not out crime-solving with the help of Peter Rabbit. We beg you — promise us it isn’t so.

We are willing to grant, on occasion, that an author might be interested in spinning a story featuring a historical figure. Perhaps it would be fun, and this is just an idea, to build upon an already unresolved mystery from a particular era. It seems like a great way to weave a love of history with a love of mystery. So if it must be done, we say do it. Then stop. Go no further. We don’t need a series, especially one that, well, see previous about eye rolling.

  • Whodunit? Elvis knows: He joins Aristotle and other unlikely sleuths in a strange blend of mystery with history

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