2004: 1994, Only Older and Wiser

May 19th, 2004 · No Comments
by Booksquare

We (obviously) think blogging is a great thing for writers. And those who like to share their every thought (we don’t advise this — most thoughts are pretty dull). Then there’s the Nick Denton/Jason Calacanis pseudo-feud. Now comes this particularly coy profile of Denton and Gawker Media. Turns out there’s no money in blogging. Or not. Depends on what day of the week it is. The article has a lot of words (we’re sorry for that), so you have to work (or go directly to page 5, your choice) to reach what we thought was an interesting coincidence: just as someone recently said to us, Greg Lindsay points out that the excitement over blogging equals the excitement over the Internet in 1994. Mmm, 1994. Pizza and IRC.

File Under: Books/Mags/Blogs