The Daily Square – Changes Edition

June 19th, 2007 · No Comments
by Kassia Krozser

Today’s links of interest:

  • Publishers Throw Support Behind Adobe Digital Editions
    To be announced today at O’Reilly’s Tools of Change Conference. Speaking of which…we’re here!
  • In search of the Great British Novel
    No, really, it’s not "pick on the UK" week. It just feels that way.
  • The designated dozen
    The supposed twelve books to read before you are 12. Maybe it’s because of that big ocean between us, but we worry that the UK is missing out on a lot of fine children’s books.
  • Waterstone’s admit charging to promote books
    This one goes out to Don Linn: "Waterstone’s, the book chain, admitted yesterday that it has asked publishers for up to £45,000 to promote their books in its 300-plus stores, but the retailer strongly denied that the money influences which titles it recommends to buyers."

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