The Daily Square – Cold Cold Ground Edition

February 13th, 2008 · No Comments
by Kassia Krozser

Today’s links of interest:

  • Publishers Are Braced For The Slow Death Of The Book
    This is not really true.
  • Book Ripper Doesn’t Bother Publishers — Yet
    Scariest comment: "Not that publishers seem worried. "I’m not going to lose sleep over the BookSnap," said Patricia S. Schroeder, the former congresswoman who is chief executive of the Association of American Publishers. "We’ve been ready to sell e-books for 10 years," she said. "Everybody still likes physical books." When it comes to potential infringement, she’s more worried about abuse of print-on-demand machines that can quickly turn a digital file into a printed book for less than ." Uh huh.
  • Publishers are lost online
    More thoughts on this soon. We promise.
  • Writers Guild Votes to End Strike
    Pretty strong numbers in favor of going back to work. Instant analysis: win for writers, even bigger win for producers (what’s up with agreeing to such crazy low caps?).
  • Amazon pooh-poohs (ingenious) New York net tax plan
    As government belts tighten, expect increasingly creative arguments to increase revenues from taxes on online sales. Remember: thanks to the mortgage fiasco and ongoing war(s), all those other taxes we pay simply aren’t covering the bills for basic services.

File Under: The Daily Square