So Far, Success

November 4th, 2004 · No Comments
by Booksquare

According to our trusty spreadsheet (which we spent a few minutes making even more complex — hard to believe it was possible, but we can be amazingly resourceful), we remain on track in this NaNo game. It is Thursday, and we have successfully written over and above our goal (which was either 5.5 or 6.6 pages — or something like that) each day. Now, before anyone starts thinking we are competitive overachievers, we will mention certain obstacles in our way.

First, Friday looms. We have an all-day meeting. The joy cannot be described. Actually, we could describe it — it would be a bit like reading the Beckett novel where the dude crawls through the mud without punctuation (or, rather, without much punctuation). Then there’s the weekend. The husband is saying something about garages and messes. We are hoping he’s hinting that we should catch a movie or something.

In other words, productivity is likely to drop in the coming days. We have made a modest attempt to build momentum into this project. It remains to be seen how far uphill we will get before backsliding.

File Under: Square Pegs