Words on Hiatus

June 17th, 2004 · No Comments
by Booksquare

There are, we believe, two major groups of writers: those who write every day, without fail (we pretend we fall into this camp); and, those who write in chunks and spurts and live for the deadlines that create discipline (we mostly fall into this group, though we don’t call it procrastination). Then there are the authors who seem to be actively avoiding their work. Maybe it’s because the idea needs more time to gestate. Maybe it’s because they’re a little bit afraid…and we suspect there’s a little of both in Yann Martel, award winning author of Life of Pi, who has admittedly written very little since his catapult to fame (and much of his inactivity seems to be due to his own choices…sounds a little like avoidance to us).

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