Writing as Business

June 4th, 2004 · No Comments
by Booksquare

We have a long list of deep topics to discuss here, but rarely have more than a few minutes at a time these days (we blame this thing called “work”, and would gladly quit eating if we weren’t addicted to food). Thus we must confine our industry rants to our minds. We assure you each topic is thoroughly and brilliantly discussed as we drive to our next destination. However, we believe that any author who doesn’t take the time and effort to learn the business is a foolish author, indeed. Luckily, there are kind souls willing to share their expertise on a variety of subject. Teresa Nielsen Hayden looks at the Writer’s Collective and offers more than a little advice to those looking to be published at any cost (hint: it’s the stuff you don’t understand that’ll bankrupt you!).

File Under: Square Pegs · Tools and Craft