And The Day Wouldn’t Be Complete Without This Item

February 14th, 2005 · 1 Comment
by Booksquare

We have no idea why we’re feeling so cynical today — try as we might, our new positive mental attitude doesn’t seem to be working. We recite our mantra and practice visualizing thigns working out exactly the way we hope, and, well, maybe we need to get a different mantra. Either that or stay off the freeway. Or maybe have more coffee. Yes, that always seems to make the morning brighter.

A much as we appreciate the work of all the Bronte’s, we must agree that Pride and Prejudice trumps Jane Eyre. The latter is too Victorian for our taste — a lot of frills and bows, in a literary sense of the concept. We prefer our melodrama with a dose of eye rolling and absurdity.

By the way, we expect to see this same article next year. We also expect much breathless anticipation as the two top titles jostle and cheat in their never-ending battle to top the list.

File Under: Square Pegs

1 response so far ↓

  • Brenda Coulter // Feb 14, 2005 at 12:45 pm

    Let’s remember that this poll was conducted by the British version of RWA. I imagine such a list compiled on this side of the pond would look very different.