Blog Again, Blog Again, Jiggedy Something

December 26th, 2005 · 3 Comments
by Booksquare

The special thing about sloth is that it can be enjoyed anywhere mai tais are made. But when one finds the perfect spot, it makes sloth all that much better. And well-done sloth leads to a happy person. Or so logic tells us.

We are returned, rested, and ready. Mostly rested. This being a holiday week, we will ease slowly into our blogging routine (rise, make coffee, read, rant, write, repeat [except for numbers one and two]). Which makes us feel guilty for making the absolutely amazing David Thayer and Susan Gable work so hard. We thank them for their taking the time from their busy writing (and shopping) schedules while we were gone, and especially appreciate their thought-provoking posts. We sincerely hope that they engage in blog mutiny and share their thoughts in the future because they are much more interesting than, well, you-know-who.

File Under: Square Pegs

3 responses so far ↓

  • David Thayer // Dec 27, 2005 at 8:33 am

    Thanks for the kind words. I hope Susan posts here in the future, and that the New York Times continues to offer its hilarious fodder for commentary.

  • SusanGable // Dec 27, 2005 at 1:02 pm

    Susan will post here now, and in the future. (g) I feel like I didn’t have a lot to say – gotta tell ya, publishing kind of goes into hibernation this time of the year. There wasn’t a whole lot to blog about.

    But I was glad to be of limited service. Booksquare, it’s good to have you home, and it sounds like you had a wonderfully relaxing trip.

  • Booksquare // Dec 27, 2005 at 10:10 pm

    I can promise that the NYT will continue to provide fine fodder, though I will warn that I have a serious crush on Edward Wyatt. It started rocky, but the best relationships often do. A man can’t help the crazy things his editor assigns. Someday he’ll be calling the shots, I know he will.

    You’re both more than welcome to post to your hearts’ content. I should have (and I apologize for my lapse) warned you that the industry is on vacation. My absence should have been a clue! In situations like this, you can follow my lead: make stuff up. Nobody will ever know. Use a few big words, introduce a suitably tangled topic, and pretend you know what you’re talking about. It’s worked so far.