The Daily Square – Lip Service Edition

December 3rd, 2007 · No Comments
by Kassia Krozser

Today’s links of interest:

  • Powell’s turns the page
    As Powell’s bookstore prepares to change management, passing the baton from one generation to another, the Los Angeles Times manages to make new leader Emily Powell sound like a schoolgirl. Fave quote: "And although she hesitates to come up with specific plans, she seems to know what the problem is: competition from Amazon and warehouse clubs; flat revenue on the Internet side and a lack of loyalty from people who order online; unknown technological changes that could involve downloadable books; and a general compression of the field." She seems to know? Sheesh. Talk about faint praise.
  • Sicha, Gould Out At Gawker
    At least according to a recent "Help Wanted" ad…
  • Read This! The Farther Shore by Matthew Eck
    The LBC announces its Winter 2007 choice. Now go forth and purchase this fine novel. And check out all your favorite LBC blogs for more and more on this book!
  • Why book tours are passé
    Expensive, iffy. Though, in today’s desperate need for authenticity, maybe the face-to-face tour will become the new black.
  • Sassy chick lit finds new fans among India’s young women
    Someone said, "Go forth young writer! Find proof of chicklit in other countries!" And the writer went and found. Of course, airfare and meal expenses could have been saved by copying and pasting from previous articles done by other publications over the past several years.

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