Day Off

May 25th, 2005 · 2 Comments
by Booksquare

We’re taking a day off, but don’t go thinking that means you’re off the hook around here! Later today, we have an interview with Kevin Smokler. Kevin will be talking about Bookmark Now and how reading may not be as at risk as recent studies indicate. We’ll be back tomorrow, ready to annoy, annoy, annoy!

File Under: Square Pegs

2 responses so far ↓

  • Brenda Coulter // May 25, 2005 at 1:50 pm

    A day off? Are you trying to tell us there is an actual person behind Booksquare? Someone who actually eats, sleeps, and makes regular visits to the dentist?

    Gosh. I would have bet money that these 14 posts a day were being produced by machine.

  • Booksquare // May 25, 2005 at 11:52 pm

    No person, but lots of friendly automatons. The Booksquare servers were down. All systems run on autopilot, hence the often confusing posts. Maintenance is now completed and regular drivel is on schedule. Thank you for your patience.