If You Can Read This…Don’t Thank Me

May 4th, 2005 · 1 Comment
by Jill Monroe

Last week I had an interesting experience…I substituted for five days in the first grade. (I say five days rather than a week, because for some reason five days just seems longer!) I taught freshmen before I settled down to write, so the differences are numerous. In first grade, the students are shorter than I am (this changes around fifth grade). The children are excited about learning and give hugs. They also color you pictures. Lots of them. They also are learning how to read.

And for some children…this is a very painful process. As well as for me. I applaud all those who made sure the students could read by the time they got to me.

Reading Booksquare’s answers to The Happy Booker’s Questionnaire, I thought of the 5 books I’d take on a desert island and not being able to narrow it down. I love to read. Despite their current trouble with consonant blends and short vowels, most all of these children will learn to read by the end of the second grade. As I looked at these young faces, I wondered…would they develop that love of reading so many of us who read this blog share? That excitement of not being able to go to sleep because you just had to see what happened next? Feeling anxious because you have two books and you can’t decide which to read first?

The best instruction I ever received when it came to teaching was simple…find something that the child finds interesting, tie it in, and the rest will take care of itself. For some reason, teachers find it harder to get boys interested in reading than girls. My own nephew was a reluctant readers until he found Harry Potter. Here’s a great site for finding interesting things for the guys to read:

File Under: Jill's First Blog

1 response so far ↓

  • Kevin // May 4, 2005 at 6:00 pm

    Are there any books that teach children how to drink?
    A mutual friend thought that there may in fact be at least one.