Life on Other Planets

December 9th, 2004 · 1 Comment
by Booksquare

It is rare* that we venture outside the Center of the Universe. When we do put on the grown-up shoes, we expect a good time. Last night, we did something so rare, it was nearly unprecedented: We Went Out On The Town.

The Elegant Variation hosted a gathering of local writers and bloggers (live ones we can remember noted below, dormant ones, too) and other people whose names you’d know if we were the type to drop names (alas, we’re the type to drop drinks). Now the husband thinks we shouldn’t do things like meeting strange men we encounter on the Internet, but where else does one find strange men these days? Besides, it’s healthy for the terminally shy to approach every single man in a drinking establishment, asking “Are you…?**”

Though we were given permission to spill all the dirt we overheard in the course of the evening, we feel it’s better to reserve certain items for future blackmail. Thus we won’t mention anything about anyone getting all excited because their phone has a “European” ring (nor will we say a word about vibrate mode). To do so might create the wrong impression.

Here’s hoping TEV makes a New Year’s resolution to get his friends together and drunk more often.

* – Yes, yes, but we block anything related to “work” from our memory the moment we return safely to the warmth and safety of Pasadena
** – Probably we should have done advance research, but what fun is that?

File Under: Square Pegs

1 response so far ↓

  • Karen // Dec 9, 2004 at 6:52 pm

    It was lovely to meet you — you left when we weren’t looking, so we didn’t get a chance to say farewell. We’re headed back to Oregon next week, but hope to see you again when we return.