Long Live The Internet

January 23rd, 2006 · 3 Comments
by Booksquare

It hasn’t been hard to predict the slow demise of the standalone book section in major newspapers — the Chicago Reader reports that only five such sections still exist. And one, belonging to the Chicago Tribune is undergoing stomach stapling surgery. To save on the cost of newsprint. Apparently a brilliant plan to move the section to the lower-circulation Saturday was nixed when additional stuffing costs were factored into the move.

The truth is that newspapers are losing eyeballs and consequently advertising revenue. We’d like to gently point out that had they paid attention when Craigslist first went online, this wouldn’t be such a painful experience, but like many old-school media types, they thought this internet thing was just a fad.

Book sections will continue to feel the pain — it’s all about selling advertising. But that doesn’t mean that book coverage will die. And it certainly doesn’t mean that people won’t be seeking information about books. Far be it for us to suggest that newspapers can use this change as a chance to regain some credibility with book readers, but, well, we do like to point out that creative thinking is a good thing.

Regarding this move, Michael Cader of Publisher’s Lunch, asks, possibly only half-facetiously,

With logic like this at work, how long is it until they decide to just put it into half of the Sunday papers to save money?

File Under: The Business of Publishing

3 responses so far ↓

  • Lorra // Jan 23, 2006 at 1:18 pm

    I work with people who would find that a perfectly logical thing to do no matter how many times I said, “Say what?”

  • Lorra // Jan 23, 2006 at 1:20 pm

    PS With recent changes in the way people think, I find it increasingly difficult to keep my hands to myself.

  • Booksquare // Jan 24, 2006 at 9:50 pm

    Lorra, I know how you feel. I’d say this too will pass, but there’s always the next ridiculous thing right behind…