Miracles Do Happen

May 9th, 2005 · No Comments
by Booksquare

LA Observed, in what is surely its second scoop in as many weeks, reports that the evil Calendar Live experiment ends tomorrow at 5 a.m. While normally we’d spend a few moments dwelling on the precision of the timing, we simply don’t have a spare moment to spare.

What does this mean for you? Well, first, all the stories we don’t link to on the Los Angeles Times site will become fair game for our thoughts. Second, if we do link to a story, you have an excellent chance of reading it without having your credit card handy. No word as of now as to how long the stories will be available before disappearing into the deepest recesses of Times-world. Apparently there will be a press release and such tomorrow.

In related news, the site will also unveil a new, improved design (given the scale, we cannot possibly imagine this was engendered by the recent New York Times revamp. As all newspaper sites seem to suffer from the worst-possible-design-ever ailment, we are eager to see the improvements. Truly. If they make it possible to find even on item on the first try, we will count it as success.

File Under: Square Pegs