Modern Living

February 18th, 2005 · No Comments
by Booksquare

We love a man who wears his obsessions proudly. Moleskine? For us, it’s the Lett’s of London journals that are no longer being produced. Did that stop us? No, thanks to our fine friend, eBay, we were able to buy a lifetime — literally, provided we do not excced 113 years — supply. Panic attack averted. At the beginning of each year, we place a fresh journal in our adorable leather cover (gift from the husband) and proceed to fill the pages over the next 365 days (oddly enough, no matter how heavily we use the thing, and some years are quite longhand intensive, only once have completely filled the journal).

That’s not to say we’re not huge fans of index cards. We carry them in our wallet and other places (including a few blanks in the journal for those special moments). Perhaps that is why we were taken with this serious article addressing a serious issue.

File Under: Square Pegs