More Thoughts on Building Readership

April 26th, 2005 · 2 Comments
by Booksquare

It took us a dizzying while to figure out what was happening in the Independent article linked below. Note: lack of specificity confuses Americans. Diagrams, however, help. At first we were all “yeah!” at the taunting of anti-reading corporate tastemakers (or something like that) then it lead to Richard and Judy (even after a year, we cannot stop our brain from substituting Punch for Richard) and then to a great quote (something ripped straight from our fingers, if we may be so bold). . .

The book market certainly needs to expand. What it requires is creative innovation, not mad downmarket plunges. For a start, publishers have to think harder about how to reach the hordes of critical consumers of film, TV, internet and pop culture who should be reading books as sharp and savvy as all the shows, sites and bands they adore.

. . .before landing on the notion that one hipper-than-thou book can fulfill all that and more. Authors talking about books they love, collected in an affordable book. It was almost worth the up and down scrolling (please, someone at the Independent, have mercy on your poor readers) to encounter an exciting new twist on synergy:

The guide deserves a home in record, DVD and games stores as well as in all the usual outlets. And it ought to be displayed alongside a shelf or two of titles by the authors it describes. It’s high time that this frequently shambolic trade stopped scorning the “book lovers” who pay its bills, and began the hunt for new ones, in new places.

If we gave awards for innovation in marketing, this would be a nominee.

File Under: Square Pegs

2 responses so far ↓

  • David Hadley // Apr 27, 2005 at 3:59 am

    Ah, maybe you ought not read what I said about it here then?

  • Booksquare // Apr 27, 2005 at 6:44 am

    Ah, but differences of opinion are fun! You make a good point, but I still worry that the industry relies far too much on wishing things would happen. Too many books drop on the market with too little fanfare. I like the idea of making connections between current writers and their heroes (though, being capricious, I may rethink this as I digest your thoughts).