Note: Guarantees Are Like Red Flags

July 19th, 2005 · 1 Comment
by Booksquare

It appears that someone out there is impersonating agent Deidre Knight by sending letters to authors, assuring publication and a low agency commission. Let us assure you that The Knight Agency doesn’t need to drum up additional business — this is a scam, and someone is trading on Knight’s sterling reputation. Do not fall for this.

While it is possible that a reputable agent might contact you, offering representation, this is not the norm. And no reputable agent is going to guarantee publication.

We’ve had many dealings with Deidre Knight over the years, and she is always helpful and professional. Other agents working with her are as well. If you have information that might help her put a stop to this scam, please let her know. You can reach her via her blog.

File Under: Agents

1 response so far ↓

  • Jaynie R // Jul 19, 2005 at 4:18 pm

    I have to wonder if this person was someone rejected by Ms. Knight, and is seeking revenge by hurting her reputation. It’s terribly sad for the poor authors who fall for this.