Obligatory Bi-Annual Poetry-Related Post

March 8th, 2006 · No Comments
by Booksquare

We are worrying about our caffeine. Normally, we’d be fully invigorated by now. We are so sluggish that we’re worried — it’s almost as if (and this is so terrifying, even typing the words makes us shudder) someone gave us, oh dear, decaf. It’s almost enough to make a girl cry.

If you need further evidence, look no further than the first item to raise our pulse today: an introduction to “Spoetry”, the irritating, yet oddly compelling nonsensical spam. Admit it, sometimes you read it for the sheer (unintentional) poetry of the message.

Or not. You’re probably deleting with wild abandon, reporting spam whenever possible. Which might be sad, if you like your verse wild, your rhythms random:

Reminiscent of Ezra Pound, or William Burroughs’ cut-ups, spoetry transcends its mundane commercial aim and becomes, yes, art. “There’s no doubt that ‘random’ word combination can be fantastic,” says Dr Philip West of Oxford University. “The ungrammatical use of nouns as verbs is something Shakespeare was very fond of, as, famously, in King Lear when Edgar says ‘He childed as I fathered’.”

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