Someone Got Held Up in Traffic

February 9th, 2005 · No Comments
by Booksquare

Let’s just say that when Warner Books rsvp’d for the party, everyone assumed they’d show up before the last bottle of champagne was opened. We’re going to call it close — the foil was off, that little wire cage thingy was loosened, and we think Red Dress and Downtown Press were fighting over the honors of releasing the cork.

Then Warner sauntered into the room, announcing, “Hey, look everybody! 5 Spot.” After determining it wasn’t a plea for helping paying cab fare, the others learned that Warner is launching a (wait for it) chicklit imprint. Or, rather, trade paperback line aimed entirely at women. We’re sure there’s a subtle distinction here. You know the drill from this point forward.

“We’re trying to show that chick lit doesn’t have to be a derogatory term,” insisted Amy Einhorn, the vice president and editorial director of Trade Paperbacks, “but it’s not just chick lit — it’s narrative non-fiction as well.”

File Under: Publishers and Editors