The Daily Square – I Almost Killed You Edition

April 13th, 2009 · 1 Comment
by Kassia Krozser

Todays links of interest:

File Under: The Daily Square

1 response so far ↓

  • Kat Meyer // Apr 14, 2009 at 12:26 am

    woot to you ms. Krozser. The fact that you mention my blog post aside, I am really digging on your round up of posts. I think I may be adding you to my very exclusive list of bloggers whose round up lists actually rock. Sometimes the round up is a big waste of blogosphere space. And I’ve complained about this to some bloggers who i otherwise love, but — you are pretty consistently very good at finding both the good stuff that might otherwise go unnoticed, and the “goodest of stuff-that-may-have-already-gotten-noticed-yet-deserves-more-notice” type stuff. IMHO – it’s: you; Mark Athitakis; Sarah Weinman; and a few others who i won’t mention until they get more consistent. Point being: in this age of diminishing ability to read RSS feeds, finding good roundups is way important. BS rocks in this respect. Rock on, BS. Rock. on.