The Daily Square – Lonely Afternoon Edition

August 24th, 2010 · 2 Comments
by Kassia Krozser

Today’s links of interest:

  • RH and Wylie Come to Terms; Random ‘Wins’
    Always worry about headlines that include wins. In this case, one wonders how much it cost Random House to win (presumably higher royalties than they’d been willing to give, possibly some sort of cash consideration). And one wonders how this impacts those who previously purchased the books. Will they be allowed to keep them? Will there be a transfer of publisher, making it invisible to the consumer. And, of course, one wonders which books were impacted by this deal.
  • Nook Drives 21% Increase in Revenue for Barnes Noble
    Barnes and Noble also claiming an overall 20% of entire ebook market. Good to see their digital numbers exceeding expectations.

File Under: The Daily Square

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