True Stories of Guerrilla Tactics

August 10th, 2004 · No Comments
by Booksquare

Now some would suggest we’re just trying to find ways to work our obsessions into your consciousness. They would be right. Hence this article — it marries our love of anime (we keep the husband up late at nights downloading* episodes of Samurai Shamploo (note: the husband says it’s Samurai Champloo; we’ll go with either spelling), which has become our new Cowboy Bebop, though Spike remains number one in our heart) with our belief in subverting tradition, especially as it relates to promotion. We frequently write about making content free and how it can build a buzz; we remain convinced that traditional advertising channels don’t work as well as marketers would have you believe. It’s a brave new world…why not try something new?

  • When Piracy Becomes Promotion: The underground subtitling and circulation of Japanese anime helped to open the American market to Asian cultural imports.

* – Never fear. When it becomes available, we will purchase the legal (and officially dubbed or subtitled) version. We definitely put our money where our beliefs are.

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