We Like the Idea of Powerful Agents, We Do

January 20th, 2005 · No Comments
by Booksquare

What with one thing and the other (mostly the other), we have about fifteen tabs open in Firefox, each representing something we meant to post on over the past week or so. If we were to stop and dwell on how pathetic this makes us, well, we’d never get around to posting anything. Our goal, today, is to make a concerted effort to close about half these tabs. For those who are unfamiliar with this tactic, our sudden desire to clean up our virtual desktop is a classic sign of avoidance. Also, we were thinking of rebooting the laptop sometime this month. Just for fun.

So, let’s start with a fun article about agents. Specifically, and we quote, “[t]he biggest and most prestigious agency in New England.” Our reasons for letting this sit for a week are simple: we can’t remember where we left our globe, and got a bit stuck on how big New England might be and all that. We still haven’t resolved the issue, but have learned that agents John Taylor “Ike” Williams (Ike? Where do they get Ike?), Jill Kneerim, Elisabeth Weed, Brettne Bloom have the Boston/New York region covered. And with Kneerim & Williams, you don’t just get good old fashioned agenting — they’re affiliated with an intellectual property law firm. Yes, indeedy, built-in legal advice. Granted, it’s probably not free, but you can’t have everything in life.

Narrative non-fiction, fiction, regular non-fiction, no genre, no kids. Read the full article for secret insider details. Contact info: Kneerim & Williams at Fish & Richardson, 225 Franklin Street Boston, MA 02110.

File Under: Agents