Why We’d Fail As A Publisher

April 26th, 2005 · 4 Comments
by Booksquare

We understand exuberance — we’ve been excited about things plenty of times, but our innate sense of fiscal responsibility generally saves our checkbook from our enthusiasm (also, the husband). Perhaps it’s because we don’t look good in red. This may be why we do not publish novels.

Sure, Little Brown & Company have proven themselves somewhat experienced in the publishing business. And their professional editors can spot raw talent in the same way we can spot decent Chinese food. An almost-finished novel by a first-time author? Screams “two-book, six figure” deal to us. So what that:

“It’s a little tough to do this writing and also juggle classes and the homework,” she [Kaavya Viswanathan] said. “This is a big-time commitment. It’s not like writing an essay for a class.”

File Under: Books/Mags/Blogs

4 responses so far ↓

  • Susan Gable // Apr 26, 2005 at 11:13 am

    That hollow thudding sound you hear is me, banging my head against my desk. (sigh)

  • Darby // Apr 26, 2005 at 8:01 pm

    That’s it. I’m done. No more Internet for me. Nothing but bad sad thoughts out there.

  • Booksquare // Apr 26, 2005 at 9:41 pm

    Yes, Susan, heard the thud. I thought it was earthquake. Put ice on the bruise.

    Darby, I’d be lying if I said this was the exception. Do not blame the Internet — it’s an innocent victim. I swear…

  • Susan Gable // Apr 27, 2005 at 5:53 am

    After it’s published, I want to know if it earns-out. I mean, the book isn’t even written yet.

    Anybody guess that they see this kid as someone they can plaster on the morning news shows, etc? And that’s why the big advance?

    My head hurts, and it’s not from banging it on the desk.