Hot Fun in The Summertime

June 16th, 2005 · No Comments
by Booksquare

The folks at Collected Miscellany are taking a pre-emptive strike against summer by holding a short story contest. It’s quick (like at July 4 deadline, but you get to email your entry) and easy (surely you have an 800-word story polished and ready to go). For a moment, we thought there’d be fame and fortune, but they’ve put our minds to rest on that issue:

Inspired by Phil’s suggestion, we have decided to enter into the murky arena of short story contests. I should note before I go any further that this is not a cash prize and is not likely to confer a particularly high level of prestige on the eventual winners in what you might call “the real world.” What we hope to do is give away a free book and highlight some good writing.

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