Industry Muck…And We Love It

May 7th, 2004 · No Comments
by Booksquare

We were attracted to this article for all the usual reasons. The delicate jibe at the Los Angeles Times’ inability to review anything interesting. The assertion that the differences between the sexes extend into the world of magazines. The subtle hints for writing for women’s magazines. Maybe it’s the sheer cattiness of the subject. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s the confusion we felt at the use of “blithely” in the title while the author interviews former Ladies Home Journal editor, Myrna Blyth (out publicizing her book Spin Sisters: How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness and Liberalism to the Women of America). Being balanced sorts, we like to think it’s all of the above. Anyway, it’s rare that a single article offers so much to so many.

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