On Contracts and the People Who Love Them

August 2nd, 2004 · No Comments
by Booksquare

What does it say about our relationship that the husband not only TiVoed the Democratic Convention but also queued up the best moments for our viewing pleasure? This despite the fact that all politicians send him to ranting and raving (he’s quite non-partisan when it comes to shouting at the television). As our skepticism caught a later flight, we spent the night basking in the warm glow of this obvious affection…until he mentioned that The Daily Show’s highlights mirrored his. Our convention will surely be different from the rest of the world’s.

We still have much to say about our conference — !@$% Internet connection! Expect lots of thrilling updates over the next few days (there has been mention here in Pasadena of doing something called “work” first — if anyone knows what the means, please contact immediately; it sounds quite scary). Since we have much to say, and apparently little time to say it this morning, we’re going to jump back into the groove and hope for the best. Thus we start with a charming tale of rights and how there shouldn’t be much confusion about them.

As we’ve mentioned, oh, a million times, success breeds lawsuits. It is normally an American phenomenon, but you know those Canadians.* We presume Trait d’Union has a basis for claiming it owns all rights to a book written by a serial killer’s accomplice (now we’re going to pause and reflect upon the “reward” for bad behavior this implies). And Random House, surely, reviewed existing contracts before releasing the book in paperback (same pause, same reflection). Lawsuits, as we all know, are very expensive. And time consuming. And quite often result in some namby pamby “settlement” in which nobody admits they are wrong. We don’t understand how things got this far when (and this is our point) a simple review of existing agreements will settle the whole thing.

We’re off to find that magic elixir, coffee, now.

* – Actually, we love every Canadian we’ve ever met. They have been universally kind and friendly — how is that possible? Is the American media not properly warping their minds?

Update: We don’t know if this Globe and Mail article makes things clear as mud or not, but it’s a bit more information. The author asserts that Trait d’union doesn’t hold any rights to the book due to breach of contract. It seems that both the author and Trait are no strangers to controversy and/or lawsuits, either. (Eureka! We begin to see how this whole thing evolved)

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