That Thing Called Life

April 27th, 2005 · 1 Comment
by Booksquare

The Happy Booker is entertaining again, and this time she’s using the good china. What else can a girl do when she learns that one her literary loves has discovered a new blog and is telling the world? Well, yes, corraling him for an interview does seem like a logical next step, and she’s done just that with Richard McCann. Though we haven’t read McCann, this alone is enough to make us shower, blow dry, brush teeth, find matching shoes, find clothes, and stand outside Vroman’s until it opens:

And then there is this: Although I’m by nature a slow writer, I was also slowed—and sometimes stopped dead—by Life Itself. In 1990, for instance, I was diagnosed with life-threatening liver disease; in 1996, I underwent a liver transplant, which is almost as much an evisceration as it is a restoration. So I was quite busy, for some years, with the work of dying and then being resurrected. When I finally rose from the sickbed, I wasn’t struck first by the urge to pick up a pencil: I was struck first by the urge to go canoeing and to get a suntan.

File Under: Books/Mags/Blogs

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