“When Seduction Goes BAD”

December 13th, 2004 · 1 Comment
by Jill Monroe

The great ladies at eHarlequin have set me up, and I now have my own official topic!

Okay, I have the same kind of fears I did with my first signing. No one shows up, but I won’t have to worry about distributors or giving directions to the bathroom. eHarlequin also has a spell check (something I haven’t been able to find on Booksquare even with all my snooping).

Here’s the intro they gave to my topic:

The time is right, you’ve got it all planned…tonight, you’re going to be naughty and he’s going to like it!


Booksquare seems finally comfortable enough to give me the secret code to add the link without having to type in the whole URL. Wait! I spoke too soon (thank goodness for the edit mode). While I was able to figure out most stuff – the nifty URL trick still eludes. Here it is in the old-fashioned way:


So tell me all about your Seductions Gone BAD!!!

File Under: Jill's First Blog

1 response so far ↓

  • booksquare // Dec 13, 2004 at 11:03 pm

    Sigh, Booksquare can’t help behind-the-scenes critiquing. She’s also a bit depressed that she focused so much on the serial comma that she forgot to lecture on symmetry. It’s all about balance (check out the coding in this post..).

    Also, Booksquare doesn’t know what this “spellcheck” is — though after carefully searching the wine section at Trader Joe’s, I know it’s not a California vintage.